
Autor: Thomas Zorbach

Trading Cards

In an article for Telepolis Marcus Hammerschmidt describes the Trading Card craze among kids from an adult’s perspective and resumes that this industry is about to conquer the world.


Social Network Analysis

In 2003 we all experienced the power of social networking as we were introduced to a number of new sites like Friendster, Ryze or We got to know


Mediarevolution or Diaries?

In an enlightening piece for Telepolis, Mario Sixtus analyses the emerging weblog phenomenon. The article mainly focusses on the implications of blogs for journalism but also gives some


The 10 Best viral campaigns

British Campaign magazin has voted the ten best viral E-spots in 2004. Among the top scorers is the Nokia „Swinging Cat“, the Ford „Pigeon Attack“


Bloody Finger Mail

According to the people at Engine, a design firm based in Vancouver/Canada, it was time that people had something different to send to people online. So



In 2003 people apparently had some fun in trying new ways of social interaction. After we have experienced Flash Mobs, we have to get ready for another phenomenon. Bluetooth, a


„We got him!“

Subject: „Breaking News: There will be no Christmas this year…“ In only a few hours after an extraordinary press conference the first viral material is being passed


Viral Marketing judged

Viral marketing is serendipity or sheer luck. It is impossible to plan or control. It can only be applied for outrageous or edgy products. It is


A nation under shock: On monday Germany’s most successful Late Night Talker Harald Schmidt announced that his show won’t go on next year. In an


Business Blogs

Weblog based online magazine Marketingwonk published a report recently focusing on the use of blogs for business. Edited by Kate Kaye and Rick E. Bruner the report gives an


Rettet Paul

Once again the countdown for christmas has begun. People start talking about their holidays. We ask ourselves: What are we going to do this year? Which presents


Since October 1 German smokers ultimatevely get to know the consequences of their doing. Big sized warnings right on the package inform that smoking leads to e.g. „a slow and painful


They found Nemo

Along with the opening of Disney’s new blockbuster „Finding Nemo“ in Germany comes a funny jpg, that is revealing the secret what happened to the little fish. Don’t



Online chainletters are one phenomenon in terms of viral spread. Allthough everybody hates them and only few people we know tend to forward them they are


AD:TECH: Blogging for Business

Weblogs are an emerging trend in the Online world marketing people should be aware of. That’s why Rick Bruner, Chief Researcher of MarketingWonk put together apanel for the AD:TECH conference. Panelists:


AD:TECH thinks positive

  In its 8th year the AD:TECH sends out positive signals to the online marketing world. With more than 5000 participants the event in the


Meet vm-people at AD:TECH in New York City

vm-people are part of a documentary about young entrepreneurs in Berlin that has been initiated recently by talented photographer Martin Friedrich. We like the result, Martin. It rocks! If you



German union Verdi recently launched a TV-spot which is now being critisized by news magazin DER SPIEGEL. The spot aired on German music televison VIVA shows several teenagers in brutal scenes committing suicide


How much is a Viral?

Viral Maketing is often being called a low-budget strategy. So does Rebecca Weeks in a her article Online Viral Marketing: Friend or Foe: „Viral marketing costs nothing or at


The Brights

According to Telepolis a new movement called „The Brights“ spreads across the United States. Amongst the founders and prophets of this movement are Richard Dawkins, inventor of the term



As part of our preparation for the AD:TECH conference in New York, we managed to implement an „English“-Button on our site. From now on readers out of Germany


Neues von Eve

Eve, die virtuelle Kundenberaterin von Yello Strom, erobert derzeit die Herzen vieler, überwiegend männlicher, Internetnutzer. Ursache dafür ist eine virale E-Mail mit einem genauen Dialog-Leitfaden („u.a. „Zieh



Klingt ein bisschen wie Napster und ist auch ähnlich erfolgreich: „Friendster – The new way to meet people“, verzeichnet in weniger als einem halben Jahr


„Rahn schießt“ auf ARTE

Marketingviren weisen im Vergleich zu klassischen Kommunikationsmaßnahmen prinzipiell eine höhere Medienwirksamkeit auf. Die Ursache dafür, liegt unter anderem in der Tatsache, dass Journalisten das Internet gerne


7 years later

Einer der wirksamsten Treibstoffe für den Antrieb einer viralen Verbreitung ist das Streben nach Sinn. Wir haben das Bedürfnis,die Dinge, die wir wahrnehmen zu verstehen. Deswegen werfen wir


Verschwörung 11. September

Nach Informationen des Spiegel glaubt jeder Fünfte Deutsche, „dass die US-Regierung die Anschläge vom 11. September selbst in Auftrag gegeben  haben könnte“. In einer Titelgeschichte zum 2. Jahrestag


Wir bauen um – FR Relaunch

Die Leser der Frankfurter Rundschau (FR) hatten heute buchstäblich Bretter vorm Kopf: Um den Relaunch des Blattes allgemein bekannt zu machen, wurde die Titelseite der heutigen


Medizinische Studie

Vorsicht, Buchstabensalad: Laut einer derzeit kursierenden Kettenmail, ist das menschliche Gehirn in der Lage beim Lesen folgende unglaubliche Abstraktionsleistung zu vollbringen: „Nach eienr Stidue der Cmabridge Uinverstiaet, ist
