Rettet Paul
Once again the countdown for christmas has begun. People start talking about their holidays. We ask ourselves: What are we going to do this year? Which presents are we going to make? And what are we going to eat?
One fellow Internet citizen seemed to have made up his mind already – at least regarding the food. He has set up a website where he announces that he intends to eat his rabbit Paul for New Year’s Eve. To safe Paul’s life he asked the Internet community to donnate 1.000.000 €. As Der Spiegel reports today Paul’s tragic destiny has provoked a huge protest not only among vegetarians. In the course of two days the site has had more than 30.000 visitors. Most of them very angry. In his guestbook the owner was even threatened with death. In the meantime the initiatior has revealed that the site was ment to be a joke. However, obviously a lot of people didn’t get it. |