Online chainletters are one phenomenon in terms of viral spread. Allthough everybody hates them and only few people we know tend to forward them they are still making their contagious rounds. Some of them like the famous bonsaikitten-warning regularily show up in our mailbox, allthough it is hard to believe that there are still some folks that haven’t heard that this is only a hoax.
Sometimes it is refreshing to discover a new species like the Slip-Mail that is being passed around currently among German females. What is special about this chainletter is, that it lives half online and half offlline. Each recipient of the e-mail is asked to send a slip to the person who is on top of the list. Afterwards the mail should be forwarded to six friends. By doing so, the author of the letter promises, the sender will receive 36 slips from all over the world. Once again it would be interesting to learn, who is behind this viral stunt. Some weirdo from Japan or Victoria’s Secret? |
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