Polo Blow
„Whodunit“? Die Frage nach dem Täter, die in der Kriminaliteratur eine ganze Gattung beschreibt, scheint auch auf dem Gebiet des Viralen Marketing mehr und mehr an Gewicht
„Whodunit“? Die Frage nach dem Täter, die in der Kriminaliteratur eine ganze Gattung beschreibt, scheint auch auf dem Gebiet des Viralen Marketing mehr und mehr an Gewicht
In seinem Buch „Alles Zufall“ versucht Stefan Klein dem Zufall auf die Spur zu kommen. Plausibel argumentierend und anhand von vielen Beispielen führt Klein den
Thomas hat mir vor einer Stunde per SMS mitgeteilt, dass die Beiden um 17.00 Uhr Ortszeit (11.00 Uhr MEZ) von Phuket aus nach Deutschland fliegen
Thomas und Petra haben sich erneut gemeldet. Hier ihre SMS: „Haben es nach Phuket geschafft. Fliegen von hier
Thomas und Petra haben sich heute um kurz nach 6.00 Uhr mit guten Nachrichten gemeldet: „Netz funktioniert nicht. Sind unverletzt, kommen aber später. Uns geht’s
A few days ago I sat together with some folks from the VBMA in Robert de Niro’s famous Tribeca Grill in NYC when suddenly the crowd in the restaurant started
Last year at AD:TECH NYC there was a mood that disturbed me in a way. On one hand people were continously repeating that things are getting
„From a memetic engineering perspective, the idea of viral marketing spreads like an adaptive virus. The idea itself evolves as it is retold in society“,
If you’re an author looking for an innovative way to promote your book, there’s good news for you: Save the money for the print-ad and start a Virtual Book Tour.A
Last year in November I had a message on my answering machine from a man called Michael Zerr. He said that he had been working
Currently another children’s fad is spreading throughout Germany. As the story goes the origin of Scoubidou is France. The children of the Saarland, a region close to
What is it? „Rythm is it!“ From Berlin, Germany comes a movie that has conquered the hearts of this years Berlinale visitors.The documentary tells the moving
What makes a product become a cult phenomenon? Can a cult be generated by intend? Which communication-strategies are used by so called „cult brands“?German magazin
Tipping Point marketing meets Popculture: German music magazin Spex has a cover-story this months about the new album from Philadelphia based HipHop Band „The Roots.“In the interview their head ?uestlove explains
Currently a campaign for the game „Resident Evil Outbreak“, created by Capcom Europe gets a lot of attention not only among gamers but also in the marketing
Interesting example how a personal opinion can travel in the Age of the Blogosphere. Recently I read an article on Spiegel Online about the Driver-campaign which bothered me because the term Viral
Together with The Danish Marketing Association, our partner in Denmark GoViral, is arranging a Viral Marketing seminar in Copenhagen November 1st. 2004. The seminar will
“Skype is amazing. The Skype team boasts some of the world’s great corporate innovators and is the hottest viral marketing phenomenon since Hotmail,” said Tim
vm-people have been briefed by Jumbo Spiele Germany to develop a campaign for one of its board games. Founded in Holland in 1853, Jumbo is one of the oldest
It’s official: Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos is not a big fan of TV advertising. In an interview with BusinessWeek he explains that he has built his
In an article for ClickZ, Rebecca Lieb adresses the problem how to measure attention in a media world that becomes more and more fragmented. „Now that
Ever wondered why it is so hard sometimes to get rid of a stupid melody we have just heard on the radio? Usually in the summertime there is
What is Becksball? A new olympic discipline? A merchandise article offered by a German beer brewery? Nope. The answer: Becksball is the name of a seller at
Chances are that someday in the future 2004 will be perceived as the year in which alternative marketing methods like Viral & Buzz Marketing or Guerilla Marketing made the great
SPIEGEL Online reports that Atari is currently being criticised by Gamers because of strange marketing methods. According to the magazin Atari has hired gamers in
After a five year long lawsuit German television channel RTL recently failed to prohibit digital devices that allow people to fade out commercials. As HORIZONT reports this judgment may
One myth about Viral and Buzz Marketing companies must reject is that word-of-mouth is just serendipity or sheer luck. The truth is that its spread
Today the Viral and Buzz Marketing Association (VBMA) has been officially launched and vm-people is proud to be among its founding members. The VBMA is an international group
For a marketer it’s always interesting to find out what people think about a product. For a Viral marketer it is even more interesting to find out what