Is this the year of Alternative Marketing?

Chances are that someday in the future 2004 will be perceived as the year in which alternative marketing methods like Viral & Buzz Marketing or Guerilla Marketing made the great breakthrough.So far we have already passed several important milestones this year. For example Toyota recently invested 10 million USD for a viral campaign. Then we see companies and experts in this field alligning and forming international organisations like the VBMA and the WOMMA. And finally a lot of events pop up all around the world where people meet, discuss and share their experiences.

This week AD-Tech Chicago opens its gates presenting four panels on Word-of-mouth Marketing. Recently I joined the Guerilla Marketing Congress in Cologne where I spoke about Viral Marketing. The event took place for the first time and gained immediate awareness and media coverage. It is said that the 2nd Guerilla Marketing Congress will take place in autumn 2005.

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